How to Install SLIMS Akasia 8 On Ubuntu Linux


SLIMS (Senayan Library and Information System) is an Open Source Library Management software that used PHP as it programming language. SLIMS is well known as a Library management application that used by a number of university and government agencies in Indonesia to make their library stuff getting easier. This software has a lot of features, for instance :

Circulation’s Features

This module covered the circulation stuff. a user who wanted to borrow a book, will be recorded through this module.

Bibiliography Features

This module covered detail biblio (book) information. Every book’s information will be recorded through this module (tittle, author, published placed, etc.)

OPAC (Open Public Access Catalogue) Features

This feature is a standard online book’s catalog. By using this feature, anyone can search some information about a book, like : where is it location or is it available or on loan


This part of tutorial will covered some information about a way to install the SLIMS aplication in linux.

Computer spec used for this tutorial :
  • Ubuntu 15.04 Operating System
  • AMD a10-6800k
  • Asus Mainboard 
  • RAM 4 GB
  • Terminal linux (lxterminal or gnome-terminal)
Before installing SLIMS, make sure that your hardware has meet the minimum requirement to install SLIMS, here are the minimum requirement ( that required by the official website of slims:

If you sure that your system has sufficient standard, you can continue to the next step :

1. Make sure that you have php5 , mysqli, apache and other dependency application installed on your system. Usually i didn’t wasting my time by typing the whole required aplication (like : php5-mysql, php5-cgi, etc.), i just install phpmyadmin through terminal, because phpmyadmin will automatically download all dependency that slims need. So, just type this command on your terminal:
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

2. After the required packages has been installed, now you need to download the installations slims source. The source tar ball can be downloaded here (download SLIMS Akasia). The file can be downloaded through your browser or terminal. Here is an example about how to download slims through linux terminal using wget

3. after the file has been downloaded, the name of the file will be “slims8-akasia.tar.gz”. After that, we need to extract the file, to extract the “tar.gz” file we need to run this command in terminal:
tar -xvzf slims8-akasia.tar.gz

4. Now we will get a new directory named “slims8_akasia”. Cut/Move that directory into apache default web directory (/var/www/html):
mv slims8_akasia /var/www/html/slims8_akasia

5. Now, we need to give a full open chmod access for everyone by giving “777” in terminal (notes: used this tutorial only for learning purpose, not for developing. this value of directory chmod is not save to prevent hacking or attact on your web, you need to put a better pemission rule). This “777” value is used to simplify the tutorial, because we will got some directory permission problem if we don’t use this value. Ok lets do it :
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/slims8_akasia

6. Here we go, now, we entering the main objective of this tutorial, let’s install the slims. First, you need to open the browser (chrome, Firefox, etc.) and open the slims url : “http://localhost/slims8_akasia”, after that, click “Let’s start the installation”

7. Click New Install (Just ignore the “YAZ” plugin, if it’s not installed on your system)

8. Now, you need to create a new database named “slims” (you can use another database name), to do so, open a new tab on your browser, and open : http://localhost/phpmyadmin, and then click “Database” menu. name the database with “slims8”, after that, we can click on “create” button

9. Now we need back to previews tab (Slims Installation), and fill all required field. After that, click “Next” button

10. he installation process is done. Mission Accomplish :D

11. Now you can test the SLIMS akasia 8 homepage by clicking “OK, Start the SLIMS” or by typing slims link in your browser : http://localhost/slims8 :


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